Thursday, October 23, 2008

Practice Summary Response

Consequences of Climate Change by Vanessa Bereciartu

In Hirsch’s (2005) article titled “Animals ‘hit by global warming’” he explains how changes in the temperature of the world can affect the migration of the animals. This information was discussed in the report of the EU nature conservation chiefs in Scotland. Scientists observed that species associated with the south had appeared in the north such as ringed plover birds that are now spending the winter in Britain. Although others animals have migrated to different routes, for some animals that is not possible. Polar bears and seals, whose habitats are changed, are going to disappear. Another consequence that the author explains of the temperature changes is that the plankton has changed, and that contributes to the decline of the breeding success of Scottish seabirds. Then the author mentions some other consequences of the climate change identified in the report. Finally, the author explains that nature can adapt to the changes but the problem is that these changes are too quick. The species does not have enough time to adapt to it. The conservational official in Scotland urged the population to use biological corridors to help animals to adapt to global changes.

Every country have to find a solution for global warming together and there are tree ways to deal with this problem. First developed countries must help undeveloped countries. Second each government has to educate its population. Third countries have to create an intergovernmental organization for take care the environment.

Developed countries are more worried about global warming and they have to help undeveloped countries with this problem. First, because they have enough money to begin programs that help poor countries to change some process of life that make a lot of pollution. For example, in Venezuela they always have oil spills caused by the lack of knowledge of the people. Oil spills can cause contamination in the water around South America. Second, developed countries are more organized, and they can create a commission that helps poor countries to reduce the pollution. Poor countries are always focusing on how they can subsist and they do not have enough time to think about global warming.

Governments have to educate their population because he principal problem of the global warming is not the governments of the countries but the population. People have to be educated in all countries developed or not. People can cause big damage for the nature. For example people in United States consume a lot of energy. They always leave the light and the air conditioner on and that is one of the causes of global warming. Every country has to teach its population, because global warming affects the whole world, including both humans and animals.

A quick solution for this problem could be creating an intergovernmental organization that observes countries about the environmental damage. This organization must be run like the United Nations. Specifically it has to run like the United Nations Security Council. The organization most have a president elected by the votes of every country. They could give a fine to countries that cause damage to the environment. That can help to reduce the pollution and to teach the population. This could be a way to push the countries developed or not to start thinking about global warming and how that can affect the world.

Climate change is a big problem that affects our ecosystem. Humans, animals and plants could disappear from the planet. People have to start thinking about global warming. The beginning must be that developed countries try to help poor countries. Then people have to be educated about the care of the planet. Finally we should encourage the creation of the intergovernmental organization that can help to push the countries to think about the planet. Global warming can make us die.


Hirsch, T. (2005, Oct. 5). Animals ‘hit by global warming’. BBC News. Retrieved on Oct. 15, 2008 from

Article News BBC